Runes of Magic Wiki

The Alchemist can make a big assortment of potions. Potions can be made by using Herbs and Ores in combination with Blend runes and bottles.


Certain potions have a green variant. The recipes for these can be found throughout the world.


Icon Name Lvl Effects Type
BasicMedicine Basic Medicine x3 1 Heals 220 HP.
BasicHealingPotion Basic Healing Potion x2* 1 Heals 300 HP.
BasicSpiritPotion Basic Spirit Potion 3 Restores 220 Mana.
BasicManaPotion Basic Mana Potion* 3 Restores 300 Mana.
CollectionPotionI Collection Potion I 5 Mining skill increases 5 levels for 600 seconds.
CollectionPotionII Collection Potion II 7 Woodcutting skill increases 5 levels for 600 seconds.
CollectionPotionIII Collection Potion III 9 Herbalism skill increased by 5 levels for 600 seconds.
PotionOfRage Potion of Rage 11 Restores 40 Rage
StrengthOfBattle Strength of Battle* 11 Restores 100 Rage
PotionOfEnergy Potion of Energy 8 Increases physical attack power by 50 for 900 seconds.
PotionOfExquisiteSkill Potion of Exquisite Skill 8 Increases Weapon Damage by 15% for 900 seconds.
FocusPotion Focus Potion 10 Blocks 100 points of physical damage for 60 seconds.
PotionOfFocusedWill Potion of Focused Will* 10 Immune to physical damage for 3 seconds.
Stimulant Stimulant 12 Increases magical attack power by 50 for 900 seconds.
StrongStimulant Strong Stimulant* 12 Increases Magical Damage by 5% for 900 seconds.
PotionOfPotential Potion of Potential 14 Blocks 160 points of magical damage for 60 seconds.
ElixirOfTheSage Elixir of the Sage* 14 Immune to magical damage for 3 seconds.
Salve Salve 16 Increases physical attack power by 150 for 900 seconds.
ManaPotion| Mana Potion| Increases physical attack power by 20% for 900 seconds.
ManaPotionGreen Mana Potion (green)* 18 Increases healing effect by 5% for 60 seconds.
PascificationPowder Pacification Powder 18 Increases healing effect by 5% for 120 seconds.
TranquilityPowder Tranquility Powder* 20 Increases magical power by 150 for 900 seconds.
WitchDoctorElixir Witch Doctor Elixir 20 Increases critical strike chance by 5% and power by 10% for 60 seconds.
AncientSpiritWater Ancient Spirit Water* 22 Increases physical defense by 60 for 600 seconds.
InvisibilityPotion Invisibility Potion* 22 Increases physical defense by 15% for 600 seconds.
PotionOfSpeed Potion of Speed 24 Increases physical attack power by 250 for 900 seconds.
LifeSource Life Source 24 Increases magical power by 20% for 900 seconds.
TouchOfTheUnicorn Touch of the Unicorn 26 Increases magical defense by 75 for 600 seconds.
ManaSource Mana Source 26 Increases magical defense by 15% for 600 seconds.
EmbraceOfTheMuse Embrace of the Muse 28 Increases magical power by 250 for 900 seconds.
SuperiorCollectionPotionI Superior Collection Potion I 28 Increases physical attack power by 25% for 900 seconds.
SuperiorCollectionPotionII Superior Collection Potion II 30 Blocks 300 points of physical damage for 60 seconds.
SuperiorCollectionPotionIII Superior Collection Potion III 30 Immune to physical damage for 4 seconds.
Strong Medicine 32 Increases critical physical hit rate by 100 points for 900 seconds.
Strong Healing Potion 32 Increases Magical Damage by 8% for 900 seconds.
Powerful Spirit Potion 34 All mana costs reduced by 25% for 60 seconds.
Stimulating Scent| All mana costs reduced by 25% for 120 seconds.
Potion of Holy Power 36 Increases critical magical hit rate by 100 points for 900 seconds.
Potion of Fire Elemental Affinity 36 Increases physical attack power by 30% for 900 seconds.

* = You need a recipe that is only dropped by monsters.


Icon Potion Recipe
Elemental Crystal Recipe:Elemental Crystal


Name Location
Hinhus Logar, Howling Mountains (45.7, 43.9)